How to run the MESO-NH model using operational ECMWF-IFS data (on model levels) as ICs & BCs

1. Download IFS data (on ecgate) as follows:

-bash-4.1$ cat STATIC.REQ
class = od,
expver = 1,
stream = oper,
date = 2020-11-15,
time = 00,
area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0,
step = 0/to/6/by/6,
type = fc,
levtype = sfc,
param = 129.128/172.128,
grid = 0.1/0.1,
target = "STATIC_20201115-00.grib{edition}"
-bash-4.1$ cat SFC.REQ
class = od,
expver = 1,
stream = oper,
date = 2020-11-15,
time = 00,
area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0,
step = 0/to/6/by/6,
type = fc,
levtype = sfc,
param = 39/40/41/42/139/141/170/183/236,
grid = 0.1/0.1,
target = "SFC_20201115-00.grib{edition}"
-bash-4.1$ cat ML1.REQ
class = od,
expver = 1,
stream = oper,
date = 2020-11-15,
time = 00,
area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0,
step = 0/to/6/by/6,
type = fc,
levtype = ml,
levelist= 1,
param = 152,
grid = 0.1/0.1,
target = "ML1_20201115-00.grib{edition}"
-bash-4.1$ cat ML.REQ
class = od,
expver = 1,
stream = oper,
date = 2020-11-15,
time = 00,
area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0,
step = 0/to/6/by/6,
type = fc,
levtype = ml,
levelist= 1/to/137,
param = 130/131/132/133,
grid = 0.1/0.1,
target = "ML_20201115-00.grib{edition}"
Note: change "date", "time", "area", "step", "target" as needed.

2. cat all the grib files (both edition=1 && edition=2) into one single file.

NOTE (very important!): the STATIC file has to be the first file in the cat command

-bash-4.1$ cat STATIC_20201115-00.grib1 SFC_20201115-00.grib1 ML1_20201115-00.grib2 ML_20201115-00.grib2 > ALL.grib

3. run the grib_filter command 

-bash-4.1$ grib_filter -v rule.filter ALL.grib

where rule.filter is:

write "fc_fglobal.[stepRange].grib";

4. Then follow the instructions below:


drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh  4096 May 20 10:33 001_pgd
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh  4096 Jun 11 12:44 002_real
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh 12288 May 20 04:57 003_mesonh
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh 12288 May 20 05:14 004_diag
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh 12288 May 20 10:32 005_conv2dia
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh  4096 May 16 05:11 006_diaprog
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh 20480 May 20 05:17 007_dia2grb
drwxrwxr-x 4 mnh mnh 57344 May 20 10:31 008_plotgrb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mnh mnh   565 May  9 05:35
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mnh mnh  1019 May 19 19:48 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mnh mnh  2903 May 20 09:49 pie2500m.env
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mnh mnh    49 May  9 07:11 runall
drwxrwxr-x 2 mnh mnh  4096 May  4 19:48 util
where Makefile is:
 cd 001_pgd         && run_prep_pgd && run_plot_pgd
 cd 002_real        && run_prep_real
 cd 003_mesonh      && run_mesonh
 cd 004_diag        && run_diag
 cd 005_conv2dia    && run_conv2dia
 cd 006_diaprog     && run_diaprog 
 cd 007_dia2grb     && run_dia2grb
 cd 008_plotgrb     && run_plotgrb
 cd 001_pgd         && clean_prep_pgd
 cd 002_real        && clean_prep_real
 cd 003_mesonh      && clean_mesonh
 cd 004_diag        && clean_diag
 cd 005_conv2dia    && clean_conv2dia
 cd 006_diaprog     && clean_diaprog 
 cd 007_dia2grb     && clean_dia2grb
 cd 008_plotgrb     && clean_plotgrb
 cd 001_pgd         && run_prep_pgd && run_plot_pgd
 cd 002_real        && run_prep_real
 cd 003_mesonh      && run_mesonh
 cd 004_diag        && run_diag
 cd 005_conv2dia    && run_conv2dia
 cd 006_diaprog    && run_diaprog
 cd 007_dia2grb    && run_dia2grb
 cd 008_plotgrb    && run_plotgrb
and runall is:
cd /home/vcapecchi/PIE2500m
make clean
make all
All the relevant Bash scripts of each directory are attached here


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