How to run the MESO-NH model using operational ECMWF-IFS data (on model levels) as ICs & BCs
1. Download IFS data (on ecgate) as follows: -bash-4.1$ cat STATIC.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = sfc, param = 129.128/172.128, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "STATIC_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat SFC.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = sfc, param = 39/40/41/42/139/141/170/183/236, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "SFC_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat ML1.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = ml, levelist= 1, param = 152, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "ML1_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat ML.REQ retrieve, class = od, ex...