Downscaling ERA-5 reanalysis data for coastal climate applications (and evaluation of uncertainty of coastal data)
Here's the abstract and the link to the oral presentation I gave this morning at the 5th International Conference on Reanalysys held in Rome, 13-17 November 2017 in the outstanding venue of Angelicum University located in the very centre of Rome.
Downscaling ERA-5 reanalysis data for coastal climate applications (and evaluation of uncertainty of coastal data): The management of coastal zones requires precise data concerning past wind/wave regimes and future climate trends. Many studies have been based on low resolution reanalysis data that cannot allow a detailed description of the variability induced by local conditions. We present a feasibility study where a simple dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis data is applied through a cascade of regional atmospheric/wave models. A long-term goal of this study is to identify the long-term trends in the last 30-35 years in order to better understand the effects linked to the impact of climate change along the coast. The methodology applied is based on:- a high resolution atmospheric model (WRF-ARW), run at a horizontal resolution of about 3 km;- a finite element wave model (WW3), able to compute high-resolution waves along the coast, at a resolution up to 300-400 meters. Our target area is the North-Western Mediterranean, characterized by a marked variability in wind/wave regimes. The evaluation period is 3 months and the quality assessment has been performed by using regional observed data (coastal buoys and anemometers). Results show that regional downscaled data provide lower errors in the mean wave parameters and wind regimes with respect to global data and some significative improvements with respect to studies based on past reanalysis data. Moreover we present results concerning the use of the multiple members of the ERA5 data to improve the downscaled information.
Below you find some photos from posters or presentations that draw my attention and (part of) the video of the talk given by Robert Buizza titled "Reanalyses’ use in operational in weather forecasting"
Slides from the talk given by Magdalena Balmaseda (ECMWF) on the history of ocean reanalysis
Slides from the talk given by Giampaolo Balsamo (ECMWF) on the expected improvements of vertical resolution in soil model to take full advantage of satellite data
Again slides from the talk given by Giampaolo Balsamo (ECMWF) on an experimental run of the ECMWF global model at 1.3 horizontal resolution (!)
Two posters (among several other very interesting ones)
The last day of the conference a very young (16 years old!!!) student was awarded for her poster.
You can find the full programme of this very interesting conference here.
Downscaling ERA-5 reanalysis data for coastal climate applications (and evaluation of uncertainty of coastal data): The management of coastal zones requires precise data concerning past wind/wave regimes and future climate trends. Many studies have been based on low resolution reanalysis data that cannot allow a detailed description of the variability induced by local conditions. We present a feasibility study where a simple dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis data is applied through a cascade of regional atmospheric/wave models. A long-term goal of this study is to identify the long-term trends in the last 30-35 years in order to better understand the effects linked to the impact of climate change along the coast. The methodology applied is based on:- a high resolution atmospheric model (WRF-ARW), run at a horizontal resolution of about 3 km;- a finite element wave model (WW3), able to compute high-resolution waves along the coast, at a resolution up to 300-400 meters. Our target area is the North-Western Mediterranean, characterized by a marked variability in wind/wave regimes. The evaluation period is 3 months and the quality assessment has been performed by using regional observed data (coastal buoys and anemometers). Results show that regional downscaled data provide lower errors in the mean wave parameters and wind regimes with respect to global data and some significative improvements with respect to studies based on past reanalysis data. Moreover we present results concerning the use of the multiple members of the ERA5 data to improve the downscaled information.
Below you find some photos from posters or presentations that draw my attention and (part of) the video of the talk given by Robert Buizza titled "Reanalyses’ use in operational in weather forecasting"
Slides from the talk given by Magdalena Balmaseda (ECMWF) on the history of ocean reanalysis
Slides from the talk given by Giampaolo Balsamo (ECMWF) on the expected improvements of vertical resolution in soil model to take full advantage of satellite data
Again slides from the talk given by Giampaolo Balsamo (ECMWF) on an experimental run of the ECMWF global model at 1.3 horizontal resolution (!)
Two posters (among several other very interesting ones)
The last day of the conference a very young (16 years old!!!) student was awarded for her poster.
You can find the full programme of this very interesting conference here.
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