Yet another tutorial on how to install WRF
Several tutorials on how to install WRF are available online. Basically the common root is the Official Tutorial from mmm.ucar . Some other noticeable websites are: WRF on Ubuntu server 16.04 again WRF on Ubuntu server 16.04 WRF on CENTOs WRF on Archlinux (with some nice ncl examples) WRF on a generic Linux machine WRF Forum (section Installation) etcetc... Among the several tutorials you find online I'd like to add another (useless?) guide (or script) I used to automate the compilation of the WRF/WPS systems, with some special notes. It is definitely a non-exhaustive script and it might have some (hopefully non-destructive errors), so.... >>>use at your own risk<<< The prerequisites are: the netcdf libray (version 4.x) successfully compiled and installed (here in /usr/local) gcc, gfortran (version 5.4.0 or higher) #!/bin/bash # It is supposed that you have the following sources files in $SRCDIR # ARWpost_V3.tar...