
Install the Meso-NH model in a nutshell

1. Download the tar.gz archive from the official website ( wget 2. Copy the archive file in the $HOME directory cp MNH-V5-4-3.tar.gz $HOME/ 3. update the GCC suite (this step is needed only if GCC version is less than 6.X) scl enable devtoolset-6 bash 4. untar the model archive file cd $HOME/ tar -zxf MNH-V5-4-3.tar.gz 5. export environmental variables export ARCH=LXgfortran export VER_MPI=MPIAUTO export OPTLEVEL=O2 that is # Use "gfortran" compiler on LX=Linux Platform # Use MPI with compiler wrapper 'mpif90', for computer having this wrapper installed # Compile in O2, 4 times faster then DEBUG, but less error checks 6. fix the bug in routine latlon_to_xy.f90 (if needed) vim $HOME/MNH-V5-4-3/src/MNH/ latlon_to_xy .f90 and add the following line : USE MODE_POS, ONLY: POSNAM after this line USE MODE_MODELN_HANDLER,   ONLY: GOTO_MODEL 7. cd src dire...

The SPITBRAN Special Project

  Evaluation of coastal climate trends in the Mediterranean area by means of high-resolution and multi-model downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis SPITBRAN Special Project Reports Request First report Second report Third report...  Domain   Variables Accumulated precipitation Pressure reduced to MSL; Downward short-wave radiation flux; Total snowfall; Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth; Lapse rate; Ground temperature; Sensible Heat Net Flux; Latent Heat Net Flux; 2 metre temperature; 2 metre relative humidity; 2 metre s pecific humidity; 2 metre dewpoint temperature; 10, 50, 80, 100 metre U wind component; 10, 50, 80, 100 metre V wind component;

How to run the MESO-NH model using operational ECMWF-IFS data (on model levels) as ICs & BCs

1. Download IFS data (on ecgate) as follows: -bash-4.1$ cat STATIC.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = sfc, param = 129.128/172.128, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "STATIC_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat SFC.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = sfc, param = 39/40/41/42/139/141/170/183/236, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "SFC_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat ML1.REQ retrieve, class = od, expver = 1, stream = oper, date = 2020-11-15, time = 00, area = -10/-85.0/-50.0/-60.0, step = 0/to/6/by/6, type = fc, levtype = ml, levelist= 1, param = 152, grid = 0.1/0.1, target = "ML1_20201115-00.grib{edition}" -bash-4.1$ cat ML.REQ retrieve, class = od, ex...

Workshops Jun-Nov 2019

Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2019) When : 3-9 June 2019 Where : Reading (UK) Web : Contribution's Title: Evaluating current convection-permitting ensembles for past high-impact weather events in Italy: results from the SPITCAPE Special Project, Authors: Valerio Capecchi (LaMMA) Prima Conferenza annuale sulle previsioni meteorologiche e climatiche When : 17-18 June 2019 Where : Bologna Web : Contribution's Title: Il progetto SPITCAPE: la reforecast degli eventi estremi occorsi in Liguria (2011 e 2014) tramite simulazioni ensemble globali e a convezione esplicita , Authors: Valerio Capecchi (LaMMA) Contribution's Title: Modelli numerici ad alta risoluzione per la previsione a breve termine di un intenso microburst sull'Italia centrale , Authors: Francesco Pasi (1,2), Valerio Capecchi (1), Gianni Messeri (1,2), Samantha Melani (1,2)...

Things TODO/read/learn... @ Jan 2019

@ ECMWF test dataset available for # WRF users - ECMWF has set up a public FTP that contains a test dataset of the parameters required to run the US Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). have a look to the following links all related to a tool to read grib files stored in the CDS ERA5 & RRA Dick Dee presentation @ AMS ERA5: state-of-the-art global atmospheric reanalysis at ECMWF , video Python ECMWF Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) 2019 Important dates: 21 Jan - 21 Apr Call for tender 22 Apr Winners 1 May - 31 Aug Cod...

How to run the BOLAM/MOLOCH models with ERA5 data (on model levels)


Yet another tutorial on how to install WRF

Several tutorials on how to install WRF are available online. Basically the common root is the Official Tutorial from mmm.ucar . Some other noticeable websites are: WRF on Ubuntu server 16.04 again WRF on Ubuntu server 16.04 WRF on CENTOs WRF on Archlinux (with some nice ncl examples) WRF on a generic Linux machine   WRF Forum (section Installation)   etcetc...   Among the several tutorials you find online I'd like to add another (useless?) guide (or script) I used to automate the compilation of the WRF/WPS systems, with some special notes. It is definitely a non-exhaustive script and it might have some (hopefully non-destructive errors), so....  >>>use at your own risk<<< The prerequisites are: the netcdf libray (version 4.x) successfully compiled and installed (here in /usr/local) gcc, gfortran (version 5.4.0 or higher) #!/bin/bash # It is supposed that you have the following sources files in $SRCDIR # ARWpost_V3.tar...