
Visualizzazione dei post da 2020

Install the Meso-NH model in a nutshell

1. Download the tar.gz archive from the official website ( wget 2. Copy the archive file in the $HOME directory cp MNH-V5-4-3.tar.gz $HOME/ 3. update the GCC suite (this step is needed only if GCC version is less than 6.X) scl enable devtoolset-6 bash 4. untar the model archive file cd $HOME/ tar -zxf MNH-V5-4-3.tar.gz 5. export environmental variables export ARCH=LXgfortran export VER_MPI=MPIAUTO export OPTLEVEL=O2 that is # Use "gfortran" compiler on LX=Linux Platform # Use MPI with compiler wrapper 'mpif90', for computer having this wrapper installed # Compile in O2, 4 times faster then DEBUG, but less error checks 6. fix the bug in routine latlon_to_xy.f90 (if needed) vim $HOME/MNH-V5-4-3/src/MNH/ latlon_to_xy .f90 and add the following line : USE MODE_POS, ONLY: POSNAM after this line USE MODE_MODELN_HANDLER,   ONLY: GOTO_MODEL 7. cd src dire...

The SPITBRAN Special Project

  Evaluation of coastal climate trends in the Mediterranean area by means of high-resolution and multi-model downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis SPITBRAN Special Project Reports Request First report Second report Third report...  Domain   Variables Accumulated precipitation Pressure reduced to MSL; Downward short-wave radiation flux; Total snowfall; Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth; Lapse rate; Ground temperature; Sensible Heat Net Flux; Latent Heat Net Flux; 2 metre temperature; 2 metre relative humidity; 2 metre s pecific humidity; 2 metre dewpoint temperature; 10, 50, 80, 100 metre U wind component; 10, 50, 80, 100 metre V wind component;