
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2017

Code published via github and zenodo

Today, thanks to my colleague alfcrisci , I found pretty straightforward to connect some of the several (too many??) accounts I have (github, zenodo, orcid) into a comprehensive house to publish and protect the code I developed making it citable. You get this  by following the instructions you find here. valcap/csv2little_r: First release : this is the first trial... valcap/regens: First release of regens : this is the second trial... Hope it will be useful in the future!

How to download, mosaic and resample Modis NDVI data

Modis NDVI data are fully described here Briefly: these data are intended to be the continuation of the well-known NOAA-AVHRR Vegetation Index and are currently used in a wide range of applications. The following procedure (very basic!!! use at your own risk! no waranty!!) works only in a Linux environment (even if it has been ported on a Windows machine under Cygwin). Pre-requisities: wget and MRT (Modis Reprojection Tool) that needs to be installed properly (that is MRT's bin directory needs to be added to the environmental variable $PATH) It consists in three Bash script and one auxiliary file, namely: custom.env Copy all the files in your workin directory and cd to that directory. Usage: sh YYYY.MM.DD file_env where YYYY.MM.DD is the of the NDVI time step you're interested in as listed in and the file file_env (custom.env) contai...

How to compute SBUs usage on ECMWF cca/ccb

The accounting currency on ECMWF supercomputer is the SBU (System Billing Unit) The accounting system is fully described here: Basically, " To ensure that computing resources are distributed equitably and to discourage irresponsible use users' jobs are charged " and SBU = P * (ELAPSED_TIME) where P = 50365140 / (3617 * 36 * 86400) is a fixed proportionality factor, adjusted so that the system will deliver 50365140 units per day on a "typical" ECMWF job mix on the ccb system (3617 * 36 is the number of physical CPUs of the cray system and 86400 the number of seconds in a day) ELAPSED_TIME is the elapsed time (real time in seconds) recorded for a job, multiplied by the number of physical CPUs used by the job Examples (copied from ECMWF User Documentation): A serial job using 1 hour (3600 seconds) of elapsed time will be charged about 16.11 SBU. A parallel j...

How to compile the WRF model on ECMWF cca/ccb

#Prerequisites: #- This has been tested with the GNU compiler suite version 4.9.3 #- You should have all the needed libraries and WRF sources in the $PERM directory. Namely: #  * zlib-1.2.7.tar.gz          (This is a compression library necessary for compiling WPS (specifically ungrib) with GRIB2 capability) #  * libpng-1.2.50.tar.gz       (This is a compression library necessary for compiling WPS (specifically ungrib) with GRIB2 capability) #  * WRFV3.8.1.tar.gz           (WRF model) #  * WPSV3.8.1.tar.gz           (WRF Preprocessing System) #  * DTC_upp_v3.1.tar.gz        (Unified PostProcessing system) #------------------------------------------- # 1. Log in to cca (or ccb) #------------------------------------------- ssh -Y cca #----...

How to run the WRF model using ERA5 (on model levels) as initial and boundary conditions

This procedure was tested with the WRF model Version 3.8.* and ERA5 data. 1. ERA5 data were downloaded as described in How+to+download+ERA5+data+via+the+ECMWF+Web+API   Here I'm attaching a sample script (launched on ecgate) to download surface data: # General settings Nort='90.0' West='-90.0' Sout='0.0' East='90.0' resX='0.25' resY='0.25' initdate='2012-11-01' paralist='msl/skt/2t/10u/10v/2d/z/lsm/sst/ci/sd/stl1/stl2/stl3/stl4/swvl1/swvl2/swvl3/swvl4' timelist='00:00:00/01:00:00/02:00:00/03:00:00/04:00:00/05:00:00/06:00:00/07:00:00/08:00:00/09:00:00/10:00:00/11:00:00/12:00:00/13:00:00/14:00:00/15:00:00/16:00:00/17:00:00/18:00:00/19:00:00/20:00:00/21:00:00/22 :00:00/23:00:00' gribfile='ERA5_sfc_'${initdate} mars <<EOF retrieve, class=ea, dataset=era5, date=${initdate}, expver=1, levtype=sfc, param=${paralist}, stream=oper, time=${t...